The Flack highlights changes and trends in the news, examples of communications practices, and content we at BYRNE PR thought you might find useful.
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OXO Fought Back Against The Black Spatula Panic. People Defected Anyway. – OXO, the no-frills kitchen utensil brand, has faced a mountain of controversy since October when an article in The Atlantic encouraged readers to “Throw Out your Black Plastic Spatula. It’s probably leaching chemicals into your cooking oil.” Similar articles followed, voicing concerns about PFAS (AKA forever chemicals) used in production of some plastic products. The company has fought back, but a lot of damage has been done. Bloomberg takes a look at how headlines can quickly damage brands.
Grammar Fans Flock To A Film About Participles And Gerunds – Wanna see a movie about grammar? We could hardly be more excited. “Rebel With a Clause” tells the story of Ellen Jovin who traveled across the country setting up a “grammar table” in every state so passers-by could stop and ask questions about punctuation and past participles. Get some popcorn, literally. The New York Times has the story.
Target Was The Cool Place To Shop. Now It’s Everyone’s Favorite Target. – Target, once the retail favorite and darling of Wall Street, can’t catch a break. Several political missteps combined with consumers being more price conscious has put the company in a very tight spot. Just take a look at its stock price which has declined more than 50% since 2021. Business Insider takes a look at everything that’s gone wrong.
There’s A Good Chance Your Kid Uses AI To Cheat – You probably know this and teachers certainly do. Students are using AI to cheat, and it’s becoming a real problem at all levels of education. The Wall Street Journal looks at how students are using it and how schools are trying to fight back.
Stop Saying ‘I Think’ – To Sound Confident And Influence People, Use This ‘Subtle But Powerful’ Swap – Want to instantly strengthen your communication skills and improve your credibility? We recommend you read this article from CNBC.
A New Centenarian:
Look Up! The Goodyear Blimp Is Celebrating A Big Birthday
Good Obit:
‘End of an Era’: Last Surviving Battle of Britain Pilot Dies
Feed Your Head:
Venmo Etiquette: How to Navigate Digital Debts Between Friends
: one who provides publicity
: to act as a press agent or promoter for something
The word flack was first used as a noun meaning “publicity agent” during the late 1930s. According to one rumor, the word was coined in tribute to a well-known movie publicist of the time, Gene Flack.