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The Flack

The Flack for Friday, December 4, 2020…

Welcome to The Flack™ for Friday, Nov. 6.

Every other Friday The Flack highlights changes and trends in the news, examples of communications practices and content we at BYRNE PR thought you might find useful.

We hope you enjoy, and we always welcome your feedback.

Do You Have E-Charisma on Zoom? Here’s How to Get It — With the rise of working from home, some people accustomed to using their charisma in person have learned a tough lesson: Commanding a room isn’t the same thing as commanding a Zoom. It comes down to “E-charisma.” In face-to-face meetings, physical charisma often goes a long way in helping someone get noticed and advance in their career. More reserved or shy types are often at a disadvantage. But physical charisma can be more challenging to replicate online — creating a potentially different pecking order. Check out this quick read (or listen) from The Wall Street Journal.

‘Someone’s Typing…’: The History Behind Texting’s Most Dreadful Feature — You may not know the term “typing awareness indicator,” but you see it every day. More often referred to as “so-and-so is typing,” TAIs have shaped how we interact with each other. TAI technology was created (and patented) by IBM engineers in 1997 while working on a Tom Clancy video game (yes, you read that right). Interesting bit of tech history from SF Gate.

Some Words Are More Effective Than Others When It Comes to COVID-19  — Word choice matters, particularly when it comes to communicating about topics as serious as COVID-19. The de Beaumont Foundation conducted a poll of 1,100 registered voters to better understand the language Americans prefer in COVID-19 messaging that deals with behavioral change. This article highlights the poll’s five key findings.


Hershey’s Classic Christmas Bells Ad Got a Makeover … And People Aren’t Having It — ‘Tis the season for “classic” holiday ads from iconic brands. Some of these spots have been airing for decades, and, to some, they serve as warm, secure reminders of the good things in life. For 31 years candymaker Hershey Co. has been airing an ad that reimagines Hershey Kisses as bells playing, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” but this year they decided to make a change. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed.

What Great Listeners Actually Do — Most of us think we’re good listeners. People’s appraisal of their listening ability is often similar to their assessment of their own driving skills, in that most adults think they’re above average. Traditionally, people thought good listening skills simply meant not talking when others are speaking and utilizing facial expressions to show interest. However, research from leadership-development consultancy Zenger/Folkman suggests these behaviors fall well short of good listening skills. This quick read from Harvard Business Review outlines what it takes to elevate your listening skills.


Miller Lite Bids Farewell to Office Holiday Parties




: one who provides publicity



: to act as a press agent or promoter for something

The word flack was first used as a noun meaning “publicity agent” during the late 1930s. According to one rumor, the word was coined in tribute to a well-known movie publicist of the time, Gene Flack.