Amid a Slowing Economy, Some Companies Have Been Dropping DEI Jobs; The Quest to Create the Next ‘Wordle’; Linear TV Viewing Drops Below 50% of US TV Usage for First Time;
On TikTok, Movie Critics Go By Any Other Name; Times Obituary Writer Damian Arnold on How to Make a Living Out of Death
Union Square Melee Shows an Influencer’s Power Unleashed in Real Life; Why Woke Capitalism Works for Ben & Jerry’s; ESPN’s Surprisingly Big Bet with Penn Entertainment; Zoom, Other Remote-Work Champions Call Employees Back to the Office; Apple is Planning to Move the Button to Hang up a Call in the New iPhone Software
Elon Musk’s Twitter Rebrand is off to a Rocky Start; Google Tests A.I. Tool That Is Able to Write News Articles; Let’s All Start Leaving Voicemails Again!; Wikipedia’s Moment of Truth; The ‘Lazy-Girl’ Job Is In Right Now. Here’s Why
The New York Times to Disband Its Sports Department; Is Your Company’s DEI Program Lawful?; Threads Continues Its Rapid Rise; Can a Thumbs-up Emoji Seal a Contract? A Canadian Judge Rules; Skyhorse Publishing, the House of the Canceled
Blackrock CEO Larry Fink Says He’s Officially Retiring “ESG” as an Investing Term; Clipping and Sharing Newspaper Articles has Nostalgia Appeal; How Fox News (Yes, Fox News) Managed to Beat “The Tonight Show”; Radio Station Gets Part-Time AI DJ Based on Its Midday Host; If You Can’t Avoid Working on Vacation, Follow These Tips for Everyone’s Sake
Companies That Embraced Social Issues Have Second Thoughts; Secrecy, Cigars and a Venetian Wedding: How the PGA Tour Made a Deal with Saudi Arabia; AI vs. Hollywood: Writers Battle “Plagiarism Machines” in Union Talks; One Man’s Quest to Make Pickleball Quiet; Companies Quiet Diversity and Sustainability Talk Amid Culture War
Inside the Push to Make Everyone Friends at Work; The Graduation Speech You’ll Never Hear; Yeezy Sneakers Go Back on Sale as Adidas Looks to Move Past Kanye West Controversy; FIFA’s 2026 World Cup Logo is Part of a Confounding Branding Trend in Sports; When Twitter’s Watching, Companies Behave Better.
What is Bluesky, And Why is Everyone on Twitter Talking About It?; Why the New CEO is Essential to Twitter’s Future; Workers Now Spend Two Full Days a Week on Email and in Meetings; ‘Like, Literally, Dude’ Review: Learning to Chill; Inside Rupert Murdoch’s Succession Drama; The Era of the ‘Branded Apology’ is Here. Are we Ready to Accept it?
‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead; Southwest Airlines is Back in (nearly) Everyone’s Good Graces. Here are 6 Takeaways for Leaders; A Plan for Your Digital Life After Death; Jack Dorsey Has a Lot to Say, Including About Elon Musk and Twitter; Why the Kroger Merger Should Scare Amazon, Walmart, and Target
This Private Equity Firm is the Biggest Winner in the Dominion-Fox News Settlement; How Elon Musk Is Changing the Twitter Experience; From the ‘Shoe Phone’ to the Smartphone; Being Funny Can Pay Off More for Women Than Men